fetch<T> method

  1. @override
Future<Response<T>> fetch<T>(
  1. RequestOptions requestOptions


Future<Response<T>> fetch<T>(RequestOptions requestOptions) async {
  final stackTrace = StackTrace.current;

  if (requestOptions.cancelToken != null) {
    requestOptions.cancelToken!.requestOptions = requestOptions;

  if (T != dynamic &&
      !(requestOptions.responseType == ResponseType.bytes ||
          requestOptions.responseType == ResponseType.stream)) {
    if (T == String) {
      requestOptions.responseType = ResponseType.plain;
    } else {
      requestOptions.responseType = ResponseType.json;

  // Convert the request interceptor to a functional callback in which
  // we can handle the return value of interceptor callback.
  FutureOr Function(dynamic) _requestInterceptorWrapper(
    InterceptorSendCallback interceptor,
  ) {
    return (dynamic _state) async {
      var state = _state as InterceptorState;
      if (state.type == InterceptorResultType.next) {
        return listenCancelForAsyncTask(
          Future(() {
            return checkIfNeedEnqueue(interceptors.requestLock, () {
              var requestHandler = RequestInterceptorHandler();
              interceptor(state.data as RequestOptions, requestHandler);
              return requestHandler.future;
      } else {
        return state;

  // Convert the response interceptor to a functional callback in which
  // we can handle the return value of interceptor callback.
  FutureOr<dynamic> Function(dynamic) _responseInterceptorWrapper(
    InterceptorSuccessCallback interceptor,
  ) {
    return (_state) async {
      var state = _state as InterceptorState;
      if (state.type == InterceptorResultType.next ||
          state.type == InterceptorResultType.resolveCallFollowing) {
        return listenCancelForAsyncTask(
          Future(() {
            return checkIfNeedEnqueue(interceptors.responseLock, () {
              var responseHandler = ResponseInterceptorHandler();
              interceptor(state.data as Response, responseHandler);
              return responseHandler.future;
      } else {
        return state;

  // Convert the error interceptor to a functional callback in which
  // we can handle the return value of interceptor callback.
  FutureOr<dynamic> Function(dynamic, StackTrace) _errorInterceptorWrapper(
      InterceptorErrorCallback interceptor) {
    return (err, stackTrace) {
      if (err is! InterceptorState) {
        err = InterceptorState(

      if (err.type == InterceptorResultType.next ||
          err.type == InterceptorResultType.rejectCallFollowing) {
        return listenCancelForAsyncTask(
          Future(() {
            return checkIfNeedEnqueue(interceptors.errorLock, () {
              var errorHandler = ErrorInterceptorHandler();
              interceptor(err.data as DioError, errorHandler);
              return errorHandler.future;
      } else {
        throw err;

  // Build a request flow in which the processors(interceptors)
  // execute in FIFO order.

  // Start the request flow
  var future = Future<dynamic>(() => InterceptorState(requestOptions));

  // Add request interceptors to request flow
  interceptors.forEach((Interceptor interceptor) {
    var fun = interceptor is QueuedInterceptor
        ? interceptor._handleRequest
        : interceptor.onRequest;
    future = future.then(_requestInterceptorWrapper(fun));

  // Add dispatching callback to request flow
  future = future.then(_requestInterceptorWrapper((
    RequestOptions reqOpt,
    RequestInterceptorHandler handler,
  ) {
    requestOptions = reqOpt;
        .then((value) => handler.resolve(value, true))
        .catchError((e) {
      handler.reject(e as DioError, true);

  // Add response interceptors to request flow
  interceptors.forEach((Interceptor interceptor) {
    var fun = interceptor is QueuedInterceptor
        ? interceptor._handleResponse
        : interceptor.onResponse;
    future = future.then(_responseInterceptorWrapper(fun));

  // Add error handlers to request flow
  interceptors.forEach((Interceptor interceptor) {
    var fun = interceptor is QueuedInterceptor
        ? interceptor._handleError
        : interceptor.onError;
    future = future.catchError(_errorInterceptorWrapper(fun));

  // Normalize errors, we convert error to the DioError
  return future.then<Response<T>>((data) {
    return assureResponse<T>(
      data is InterceptorState ? data.data : data,
  }).catchError((err, _) {
    var isState = err is InterceptorState;

    if (isState) {
      if ((err as InterceptorState).type == InterceptorResultType.resolve) {
        return assureResponse<T>(err.data, requestOptions);

    throw assureDioError(
      isState ? err.data : err,