diet library

Support for doing something awesome.

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AboveAll<C extends Comparable>
AboveValue<C extends Comparable>
BelowAll<C extends Comparable>
The implementation neither produces nor consumes any non-null instance of type C, so casting the type parameter is safe.
Cut<C extends Comparable>
Implementation detail for the internal structure of {@link Range} instances. Represents a unique way of "cutting" a "number line" (actually of instances of type {@code C}, not necessarily "numbers") into two sections; this can be done below a certain value, above a certain value, below all values or above all values. With this object defined in this way, an interval can always be represented by a pair of {@code Cut} instances.
Pair<A, B>
Represents a generic pair of two values.
Range<C extends Comparable>
Notation Definition Factory method (a..b) {x | a < x < b} open a..b {x | a <= x <= b} closed (a..b] {x | a < x <= b} openClosed [a..b) {x | a <= x < b} closedOpen (a..+∞) {x | x > a} greaterThan a..+∞) {x | x >= a} atLeast (-∞..b) {x | x < b} lessThan (-∞..b {x | x <= b} atMost (-∞..+∞) {x} all
Triple<A, B, C>
Represents a triad of values


DietStringExtension on String
FutureResultX on Future<Result<V>>
PairInline on A
PairX on Pair<T, T>
ResultExtension on Result<V>
TripleX on Triple<T, T, T>