dfp library


Err<T, E>
Contains the error value
No value.
Ok<T, E>
Contains the success value
Option<A> is a container for an optional value of type A. If the value of type A is present, the Option<A> is an instance of Some<A>, containing the present value of type A. If the value is absent, the Option<A> is an instance of None.
Result<T, E>
Result is a type that represents either success (Ok) or failure (Err).
Some value of type T.


asyncTryCatch<T, E extends Object>(Future<T> f) Future<Result<T, E>>
fromNullable<T>(T? value) Option<T>
option<T>(bool test, T value) Option<T>
tryCatch<T, E extends Object>(T f()) Result<T, E>