df_plugins library

Provides methods to create plugins for Dart and Flutter. This package demonstrates ways to make Dart and Flutter even more modular.


AttachableWidgetPlugin<W extends Widget>
A way to produce Future objects and to complete them later with a value or error.
A Sink that supports adding errors.
The result of an asynchronous computation.
A type representing values that are either Future<T> or T.
An enhanced stream controller provided by Stream.multi.
PluginManager<TPlugin extends Plugin>
A source of asynchronous data events.
Abstract interface for a "sink" accepting multiple entire streams.
A controller with the stream it controls.
An Iterator-like interface for the values of a Stream.
A object that accepts stream events both synchronously and asynchronously.
A subscription on events from a Stream.
StreamTransformer<S, T>
Transforms a Stream.
StreamTransformerBase<S, T>
Base class for implementing StreamTransformer.
Stream wrapper that only exposes the Stream interface.
A stream controller that delivers its events synchronously.
A countdown timer that can be configured to fire once or repeatedly.
WidgetPlugin<W extends Widget>
WidgetPluginBuilder<W extends Widget, P extends WidgetPlugin<W>>
WidgetPluginManager<W extends Widget, P extends WidgetPlugin<W>>
WidgetTreePluginBuilder<W extends Widget>
WidgetTreePluginManager<W extends Widget>
A zone represents an environment that remains stable across asynchronous calls.
An adapted view of the parent zone.
A parameter object with custom zone function handlers for Zone.fork.


FutureExtensions on Future<T>
Convenience methods on futures.
FutureIterable on Iterable<Future<T>>
FutureRecord2 on (Future<T1>, Future<T2>)
Parallel operations on a record of futures.
FutureRecord3 on (Future<T1>, Future<T2>, Future<T3>)
Parallel operations on a record of futures.
FutureRecord4 on (Future<T1>, Future<T2>, Future<T3>, Future<T4>)
Parallel operations on a record of futures.
FutureRecord5 on (Future<T1>, Future<T2>, Future<T3>, Future<T4>, Future<T5>)
Parallel operations on a record of futures.
FutureRecord6 on (Future<T1>, Future<T2>, Future<T3>, Future<T4>, Future<T5>, Future<T6>)
Parallel operations on a record of futures.
FutureRecord7 on (Future<T1>, Future<T2>, Future<T3>, Future<T4>, Future<T5>, Future<T6>, Future<T7>)
Parallel operations on a record of futures.
FutureRecord8 on (Future<T1>, Future<T2>, Future<T3>, Future<T4>, Future<T5>, Future<T6>, Future<T7>, Future<T8>)
Parallel operations on a record of futures.
FutureRecord9 on (Future<T1>, Future<T2>, Future<T3>, Future<T4>, Future<T5>, Future<T6>, Future<T7>, Future<T8>, Future<T9>)
Parallel operations on a record of futures.


runZoned<R>(R body(), {Map<Object?, Object?>? zoneValues, ZoneSpecification? zoneSpecification, Function? onError}) → R
Runs body in its own zone.
runZonedGuarded<R>(R body(), void onError(Object error, StackTrace stack), {Map<Object?, Object?>? zoneValues, ZoneSpecification? zoneSpecification}) → R?
Runs body in its own error zone.
scheduleMicrotask(void callback()) → void
Runs a function asynchronously.
unawaited(Future<void>? future) → void
Explicitly ignores a future.


ControllerCallback = void Function()
Type of a stream controller's onListen, onPause and onResume callbacks.
ControllerCancelCallback = FutureOr<void> Function()
Type of stream controller onCancel callbacks.
CreatePeriodicTimerHandler = Timer Function(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, Duration period, void f(Timer timer))
The type of a custom Zone.createPeriodicTimer implementation function.
CreateTimerHandler = Timer Function(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, Duration duration, void f())
The type of a custom Zone.createTimer implementation function.
ErrorCallbackHandler = AsyncError? Function(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, Object error, StackTrace? stackTrace)
The type of a custom Zone.errorCallback implementation function.
ForkHandler = Zone Function(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, ZoneSpecification? specification, Map<Object?, Object?>? zoneValues)
The type of a custom Zone.fork implementation function.
HandleUncaughtErrorHandler = void Function(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, Object error, StackTrace stackTrace)
The type of a custom Zone.handleUncaughtError implementation function.
PrintHandler = void Function(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, String line)
The type of a custom Zone.print implementation function.
RegisterBinaryCallbackHandler = ZoneBinaryCallback<R, T1, T2> Function<R, T1, T2>(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, R f(T1 arg1, T2 arg2))
The type of a custom Zone.registerBinaryCallback implementation function.
RegisterCallbackHandler = ZoneCallback<R> Function<R>(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, R f())
The type of a custom Zone.registerCallback implementation function.
RegisterUnaryCallbackHandler = ZoneUnaryCallback<R, T> Function<R, T>(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, R f(T arg))
The type of a custom Zone.registerUnaryCallback implementation function.
RunBinaryHandler = R Function<R, T1, T2>(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, R f(T1 arg1, T2 arg2), T1 arg1, T2 arg2)
The type of a custom Zone.runBinary implementation function.
RunHandler = R Function<R>(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, R f())
The type of a custom Zone.run implementation function.
RunUnaryHandler = R Function<R, T>(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, R f(T arg), T arg)
The type of a custom Zone.runUnary implementation function.
ScheduleMicrotaskHandler = void Function(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, void f())
The type of a custom Zone.scheduleMicrotask implementation function.
ZoneBinaryCallback<R, T1, T2> = R Function(T1, T2)
ZoneCallback<R> = R Function()
ZoneUnaryCallback<R, T> = R Function(T)

Exceptions / Errors

An error and a stack trace.
Thrown when a deferred library fails to load.
ParallelWaitError<V, E>
Error thrown when waiting for multiple futures, when some have errors.
Thrown when a scheduled timeout happens while waiting for an async result.