DevicePreviewStateHelperExtensions extension

A set of extension to triggers updates of the state.



data DevicePreviewData
Access to the current state's data.
getter/setter pair
deviceInfo DeviceInfo
The currently selected device from the availableDevices.
no setter
devices List<DeviceInfo>
Access to all available devices.
no setter
isCustomDevice bool
Indicate whether the current device is a custom one.
no setter
locale Locale
Get the currently selected locale from state's data.
no setter
locales List<NamedLocale>
Access to all available locales.
no setter
settings DevicePreviewSettingsData
Access to device preview settings from state's data.
getter/setter pair


enableCustomDevice() → void
Activate the custom device mode.
rotate() → void
Change the simulated device orientation between portrait and landscape.
selectDevice(DeviceIdentifier id) → void
Select the current device.
toggleDarkMode() → void
Switch from light to dark mode.
toggleFrame() → void
Hide or show the current device frame.
toggleVirtualKeyboard() → void
Hide or show the virtual keyboard.
updateCustomDevice(CustomDeviceInfoData data) → void
Updates the custom device configuration.