translateAbsolutePath function

  1. @visibleForTesting
String translateAbsolutePath(
  1. String absolutePath, {
  2. String? workingDirectory,
  3. Context? context,

Windows, an absolute path starts with \\, or a drive letter followed by :/ or :\. This method will strip the prefix so the path start with a \ or / and the prepend the drive letter so that it becomes a valid path. If the absolutePath doesn't contain a drive letter then we take the drive letter from the workingDirectory. If this is a linux absolute path it is returned unchanged.

C:/abc -> /CDrive/abc C:\abc -> /CDrive\abc \\abc -> \abc \abc -> abc

The context is only used for unit testing so we can fake the platform separator.


String translateAbsolutePath(
  String absolutePath, {
  String? workingDirectory,
  p.Context? context,
}) {
  final windowsStyle = context != null && ==;
  if (!windowsStyle && !Settings().isWindows) {
    return absolutePath;

  context ??= p.context;

  // ignore: parameter_assignments
  workingDirectory ??= pwd;

  final parts = context.split(absolutePath);
  if (parts[0].contains(':')) {
    final index = parts[0].indexOf(':');

    final drive = parts[0][index - 1].toUpperCase();
    return context.joinAll(['\\${drive}Drive',]);

  if (parts[0].startsWith(r'\\')) {
    final uncparts = parts[0].split(r'\\');
    return context.joinAll([r'\UNC', ...uncparts.sublist(1)]);

  if (absolutePath.startsWith(r'\') || absolutePath.startsWith('/')) {
    String drive;
    if (workingDirectory.contains(':')) {
      drive = workingDirectory[0].toUpperCase();
    } else {
      drive = pwd[0].toUpperCase();
    return context.joinAll(['\\${drive}Drive',]);

  /// probably not an absolute path
  /// so just pass back what we were handed.
  return absolutePath;