closeUntil method

  1. @override
void closeUntil({
  1. required String location,
  2. Map<String, Object?>? resultMap,

Close the current top most location and every location after it until location is visible.

resultMap of String location path to Object as result for screen.


void closeUntil({required String location, Map<String, Object?>? resultMap}) {
  if (_pages.isEmpty) {
    throw const DBRouterDelegateCantClosePageException(
      "there's no page in the stack to close",

  if (_pages.length < 2) {
    throw const DBRouterDelegateCantClosePageException(
      "You can't remove the only page in the stack",

  final int locationIndex = _pages.indexWhere((DBPage page) {
    return page.destination.path == location;

  if (locationIndex < 0) {
    throw DBRouterDelegateCantClosePageException(
      '$location not found in the list of available\nPages: '
      '${ page) => page.destination.path)}',

    (locationIndex + 1) < _pages.length,
    "$location is the top most, so it's make no sense to use closeUntil, "
    'use close method to close a single location',

  final List<DBPage> pagesToClose = _pages.sublist(locationIndex + 1);
  _pages.removeRange(locationIndex + 1, _pages.length);

  // Run throughout the list of pages, from the top most page first and on.
  for (final DBPage page in pagesToClose.reversed) {
    final Completer<Object?>? tracker = _popResultTracker.remove(

    final Object? result = resultMap?[page.destination.path];

    if (tracker != null && !tracker.isCompleted) {
