code_snippets/aldente_func library

AlDente-functions in dawo

This lib do not participate to dawoApp: here are only sample code-snippets. Bunch of simple functions, acting variously, mostly boolean conditions. Including some funny logical-naming-errors, where name do not correspond to functionality. Seeking common, reusable functions.

  • dawo version: 0.0.6. 27.11.2017
  • devState: 50% in gitHub: YES 22.04.2015
  • PLAN: Total check for logic.


aldenteFuncReadiness num
collecting some numeric data with getters
isAlDente bool
boolean value for handling function values
getter/setter pair


abcSetBFunc() bool
Set values of 3 bool functions to local variables
abFunc() bool
------------------ 3 return-bool-functions
aFunc() bool
------------------ 3 return true-false functions TODO teamDev Function return : add some logic to return values (no-bool)
alDente(dynamic myConditionFunc, dynamic yourConditionFunc, bool condition) bool
TODO teamAdm Suspended..(find errors) partly untested Base type of alDente func MAKE THIS TO BE SO
alDenteAsync(dynamic fFunc, dynamic sFunc, bool condition) bool
functions roll until condition is set (but no more than 3 times) nothing async here but in next version
aldenteFuncInit() num
Series of simple functions using & returning different types simple function returning a number
alDenteLong(dynamic firstFunction, dynamic secondFunction, bool conduct) → void
alDente functions roll until condition is set true and make these run parallel / aSync & 'long' logic
alDenteNot(dynamic firstFunction, dynamic secondFunction, bool clause) → void
alDenteOne(dynamic myConditionFunc, dynamic yourConditionFunc, bool condition) bool
alDenteXxx functions roll until condition is set (but no more than 3 times)
alDenteShort(dynamic boolFuncOne, dynamic boolFuncTwo, bool fulfill) → void
Function, that runs until BOTH parameter functions return: true
alDenteThree(dynamic fFunc, dynamic sFunc, bool condition) bool
functions roll until condition is set (but no more than 3 times) logic not checked lol
anFunc() num
------------------ 3 return-num-functions For to give material to hackings
asFunc() String
------------------ 3 return-String-functions for to allow easy hacking: modify these as you like
avFunc() → void
------------------ 3 void -functions void functions do not return any value
bbFunc() bool
bFunc() bool
bnFunc() num
bsFunc() String
bvFunc() → void
cbFunc() bool
cFunc() bool
another simple bool
cnFunc() num
commandHandler(dynamic thisCommand, dynamic thisOp, dynamic msg) → void
PLAN: common method for "meddling" between different functions (maybe) TODO teamAdm not-ready, Untested.. ..use-cases for this ?
csFunc() String
cvFunc() → void
isolateFuncTwo(bool condition) → void
purpose: roll function inside isolate nothing isolate here yet
listHandler(dynamic thisCom, dynamic thisOp, String msg) → void
------- Using team Lists, or something useful...listHandler.. Great Name.. ..
listPrint(dynamic thisList, String msg) → void
just for to remember this handy .forEach(print) command
sleep(int _wTime) → void
from punch/tools/signal simple sleep method