Dashstrap Icon Button

Drop in widget to be used for buttons with icons to indicate actions to your users or when you want to add floating action buttons with a different visual feedback style.



Using command line:

flutter pub add dashstrap_iconbutton

As a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file

  dashstrap_iconbutton: ^1.0.0

You can also follow the instructions on pub.dev


Simple Usage

Import the package

import 'package:dashstrap_iconbutton/dashstrap_iconbutton.dart';

Create the button

  icon: Icons.add,
Modifying the appearance
  icon: Icons.add,
  style: DSIconButtonStyle.outline,

All properties

* - Required

Property Name Type Description Default Value
icon* IconData Icon to use null
color Color? Background color for the button accentColor of Theme
iconColor Color Tint color of the icon White
style DSIconButtonStyle Render style of the button DSIconButtonStyle.normal
size DSIconButtonSize Defines the icon size and padding of the button DSIconButtonSize.normal
feedbackStyle DSIconButtonFeedbackStyle The visual feedback to use when the button receives pointer events DSIconButtonFeedbackStyle.normal
onTapUp Function(TapUpDetails)? Function to call when a pointer up event is received null
onTapDown Function(TapDownDetails)? Function to call when a pointer down event is received null
activeOpacity double Opacity of the button when a pointer down event is active, only applicable for feedbackStyle opacity 0.3
disabled bool Whether or not the button is disabled (will ignore pointer events) false
disabledColor Color? Color of button in disabled state Color(0xFFEAEAEA)
iconSize double? Custom icon size to use regardless of button size null
shape DSIconButtonShape Shape of the button DSIconButtonShape.round


enum DSIconButtonSize { small, normal, large }
enum DSIconButtonFeedbackStyle { normal, opacity }
enum DSIconButtonStyle { normal, outline }
enum DSIconButtonShape { round, square }

Factory methods

Round buttons
Square buttons
Floating action buttons

These are round buttons with a shadow, can be used to render on top of other elements.



For any issues or questions create an issue in the issue tracker


Contributions are always welcome, you can find the steps to setup the project and the steps involved in making contributions here