darter_provider library


BaseInherited<T extends BaseBloc>
An inherited widget with a few tweaks. In order for the framework to be able to differentiate between several BaseProvider it must be extended and named differently, when provided to the constructors of said providers.
BaseProvider<T extends BaseBloc>
A provider designed to work with BaseBloc in an efficient way. The main idea behind it is to avoid rebuilding the BLoC every time the build method of a Widget up in the widget tree is called. It is not meant to be directly extended as a class. For more details on it's use, see the example.
BaseScaffold<T extends ExritedWidget>
A Scaffold designed to handle BaseException in the user interface. The new parameter showFunction can be used to customize how this happens. When extending the class, the type of the ExritedWidget must be specified.
ExceptionWidget<T extends ExritedWidget>
An inherited widget with a few tweaks. In order for the framework to be able to differentiate between several MultiBaseProvider they must be extended and named differently, when provided to the constructors of said providers.
A provider designed to work with several BaseBloc in an efficient way. The main idea behind it is to avoid rebuilding the BLoCs every time the build method of a Widget up in the widget tree is called. It is not meant to be directly extended as a class. For more details on it's use, see the example.


BaseFunction<T extends BaseBloc> = void Function(T? bloc, Set<StreamSubscription?>? subscriptions)
MultiBaseFunction = void Function(Map<String, BaseBloc>? blocs, Set<StreamSubscription> subscriptions)
ShowFunction = dynamic Function(BuildContext context, String message)