referenceChildren property

  1. @override
Map<String, CommentReferable> referenceChildren

Map of referenceName to the elements that are a member of this, but not this model element itself. Can be cached.

There is no need to duplicate references here that can be found via scope.


late final Map<String, CommentReferable> referenceChildren = () {
  var children = <String, CommentReferable>{};
  // We have to use a stable order or otherwise references depending
  // on ambiguous resolution (see below) will change where they
  // resolve based on internal implementation details.
  var sortedPackages = packages.toList(growable: false)..sort(byName);
  var sortedDocumentedPackages = _documentedPackages.toList(growable: false)
  // Packages are the top priority.

  // Libraries are next.
  // TODO(jcollins-g): Warn about directly referencing libraries out of
  // scope?  Doing this is always going to be ambiguous and potentially
  // confusing.
      .expand((p) => p.publicLibrariesSorted)

  // TODO(jcollins-g): Warn about directly referencing top level items
  // out of scope?  Doing this will be even more ambiguous and
  // potentially confusing than doing so with libraries.
      .expand((p) => p.publicLibrariesSorted)
      .expand((l) => [

  return children;