GetterSetterCombo mixin

Mixin for top-level variables and fields (aka properties)

Superclass constraints
Mixin applications


allAccessors Iterable<Accessor>
no setter
allParameters List<Parameter>
annotations Iterable<Annotation>
no setteroverride
arrow String
no setter
canonicalLibrary Library?
canonicalModelElement ModelElement?
characterLocation → CharacterLocation?
no setteroverride
comboFeatures Set<Feature>
no setter
compilationUnitElement → CompilationUnitElement?
no setterinherited
config DartdocOptionContext
constantInitializer → Expression?
no setter
constantValue String
no setter
constantValueBase String
constantValueTruncated String
no setter
definingCommentReferable → CommentReferable
For testing / comparison only, get the comment referable from where this ElementType was defined. Override where an Element is available.
no setterinherited
definingLibrary Library
no setterinherited
displayedCategories Iterable<Category?>
no setterinherited
displayedLanguageFeatures Iterable<LanguageFeature>
A list of language features that both apply to this ModelElement and make sense to display in context.
no setterinherited
documentation String
Returns the docs, stripped of their leading comments syntax.
no setterinherited
documentationAsHtml String?
documentationComment String
The rawest form of the documentation comment, including comment delimiters like ///, //, /*, */.
no setteroverride
documentationFrom List<DocumentationComment>
documentationIsLocal bool
True if documentationFrom contains only one item, this.
no setterinherited
documentationLocal String?
no setterinherited
element → Element?
no setterinherited
elementDocumentation Documentation
enclosingElement ModelElement?
getter/setter pair
exportedInLibraries Set<Library>?
no setterinherited
features Set<Feature>
Usually a superset of annotations except where _specialFeatures replace them, a list of annotations as well as tags applied by Dartdoc itself when it notices characteristics of an element that need to be documented. See Feature for a list.
no setterinherited
featuresAsString String
no setterinherited
fileName String
no setterinherited
filePath String?
no setterinherited
fileType String
no setterinherited
fullyQualifiedName String
Returns the fully qualified name.
fullyQualifiedNameWithoutLibrary String
no setterinherited
getter Accessor?
no setter
getterSetterBothAvailable bool
no setter
hasAccessorsWithDocs bool
no setter
hasAnnotations bool
no setterinherited
hasCategoryNames bool
no setterinherited
hasDocumentation bool
no setterinherited
hasDocumentationComment bool
True if this has a synthetic/inherited or local documentation comment. False otherwise.
no setteroverride
hasExplicitGetter bool
no setter
hasExplicitSetter bool
no setter
hasFeatures bool
no setterinherited
hasFeatureSet bool
no setterinherited
hasGetter bool
no setter
hasGetterOrSetter bool
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hasNodoc bool
Returns true if the raw documentation comment has a 'nodoc' indication.
hasNoGetterSetter bool
no setter
hasParameters bool
no setteroverride
hasPublicGetter bool
hasPublicGetterNoSetter bool
no setter
hasPublicSetter bool
hasSetter bool
no setter
hasSourceCode bool
no setterinherited
hasSourceHref bool
no setterinherited
href String?
If canonicalLibrary (or canonicalEnclosingElement, for Inheritable subclasses) is null, href should be null.
no setterinherited
htmlId String
no setterinherited
isAsynchronous bool
no setterinherited
isCallable bool
no setteroverride
isCanonical bool
no setterinherited
isConst bool
no setterinherited
isDeprecated bool
no setterinherited
isDocumented bool
no setterinherited
isEnumValue bool
Whether this element is an enum value.
no setterinherited
isExecutable bool
no setterinherited
isFinal bool
no setterinherited
isInherited bool
no setter
isLate bool
no setterinherited
isLocalElement bool
no setterinherited
isNullSafety bool
no setterinherited
isPropertyAccessor bool
no setterinherited
isPropertyInducer bool
no setterinherited
isPublic bool
no setteroverride
isPublicAndPackageDocumented bool
no setterinherited
isStatic bool
no setterinherited
kind String
A human-friendly name for the kind of element this is.
no setterinherited
library Library?
no setterinherited
linkedName String
linkedObjectType String
no setterinherited
linkedParams String
no setterinherited
linkedParamsLines String
no setterinherited
linkedParamsNoMetadata String?
no setteroverride
linkedParamsNoMetadataOrNames String
no setterinherited
location String
A string indicating the URI of this Locatable, usually derived from Element.location.
no setterinherited
locationPieces Set<String>
Pieces of the location, split to remove 'package:' and slashes.
modelBuilder → ModelObjectBuilder
Override implementations in unit tests to avoid requiring literal ModelElements.
modelElementRenderer → ModelElementRenderer
no setterinherited
modelNode ModelNode?
modelType ElementType
no setter
name String
no setterinherited
namePart String
Utility getter/cache for _MarkdownCommentReference._getResultsForClass.
namePieces Set<String>
needsPrecache bool
no setterinherited
oneLineDoc String?
originalMember → Member?
no setterinherited
overriddenDepth int?
no setterinherited
package Package?
no setterinherited
packageGraph PackageGraph
no setterinherited
parameters List<Parameter>
no setteroverride
pathContext → Context
no setterinherited
readOnly bool
no setter
readWrite bool
no setter
referenceChildren Map<String, CommentReferable>
Map of referenceName to the elements that are a member of this, but not this model element itself. Can be cached.
no setter
referenceGrandparentOverrides Iterable<CommentReferable>?
Replace the parents of parents. referenceBy ignores whatever might otherwise be implied by the referenceParents of referenceParents, replacing them with this.
no setterinherited
referenceName String
no setterinherited
referenceParents Iterable<CommentReferable>
Iterable of immediate "parents" to try resolving component parts. referenceBy stops at the first parent where a part is found. Can be cached.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
scope → Scope?
For any CommentReferable where an analyzer Scope exists (or can be constructed), implement this. This will take priority over lookups via referenceChildren. Can be cached.
no setterinherited
setter Accessor?
no setter
sourceCode String
sourceFileName String
no setterinherited
sourceHref String
writeOnly bool
no setter


buildDocumentationAddition(String docs) String
Override this to add more features to the documentation builder in a subclass.
childLookups(List<String> reference) Iterable<ReferenceChildrenLookup>
A list of lookups that should be attempted on children based on reference. This allows us to deal with libraries that may have separators in them. referenceBy stops at the first one found.
compareTo(dynamic other) int
Compares this object to another object.
injectMacros(String rawDocs) String
Replace {@macro ...} in API comments with the contents of the macro
linkifyConstantValue(String original) String
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
precacheLocalDocs() Future<void>
Unconditionally precache local documentation.
processComment(String documentationComment) Future<String>
Process documentationComment, performing various actions based on {@}-style directives, returning the processed result.
processCommentDirectives(String docs) String
referenceBy(List<String> reference, {required bool filter(CommentReferable?), required bool allowTree(CommentReferable?), bool tryParents = true, Iterable<CommentReferable>? parentOverrides}) → CommentReferable?
Look up a comment reference by its component parts.
scoreCanonicalCandidates(Iterable<Library> libraries) List<ScoredCandidate>
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
warn(PackageWarning kind, {String? message, Iterable<Locatable> referredFrom = const [], Iterable<String> extendedDebug = const []}) → void


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.