open method

Future<void> open()

Opens the network connection to the LDAP directory server.

Returns a Future which completes when the connection is ready for use. Throws subclasses of LdapException.

/// ## Exceptions

  • LdapSocketException when an error with the underlying socket.
  • LdapSocketServerNotFoundException when the server cannot be found. Check the hostname is correct.
  • LdapSocketRefusedException when the port on the server cannot be connected to. Check LDAP is running on the server and the port number is correct.
  • StateError if the connection is already opened (i.e. it can't be re-opened without first closing it).
  • Other exceptions might also be thrown.


Future<void> open() async {
  loggerConnection.fine('open: $url');
  switch (state) {
    case ConnectionState.closed:
      await _cmgr.connect();
      state = ConnectionState.ready;
      throw StateError('Attempt to open connection that is already opened');