x3orouby extension



normalizeAlef() String
converts all alefs to ALEF_MAMDODA with the exception of Alef maksura
normalizeHamzaTasheel() String
Standardize the Hamzat into one form of hamza (Tasheel method), replace Madda by hamza and alef. Replace the LamAlefs by simplified letters.
normalizeHamzaUniform() String
Standardize the Hamzat into one form of hamza (uniform method), replace Madda by hamza and alef. Replace the LamAlefs by simplified letters.
normalizeLetters() String
converts non standard letter characters to single letters. e.g HEH_START ﻫ is converted to ه
normalizeLigature() String
Normalize Lam Alef ligatures into two letters (LAM and ALEF), and Tand return a result text.Some systems present lamAlef ligature as a single letter, this function convert it into two letters, The converted letters into LAM and ALEF are : LAM_ALEF, LAM_ALEF_HAMZA_ABOVE, LAM_ALEF_HAMZA_BELOW, LAM_ALEF_MADDA_ABOVE
stripDiacritics() String
Strip arabic diacritics from text. The striped marks are : Small Alef, Harakat + Shadda, Quranic marks, Extended arabic diacritics
stripHarakat() String
Strip Harakat from text arabic word except Shadda. The striped marks are : FATHA, DAMMA, KASRA, FATHATAN, DAMMATAN, KASRATAN,SUKUN Marks,
stripShadda() String
Strip Shadda from text and return a result text.
stripTashkeel() String
Strip vowels from text, include Shadda. The striped marks are : FATHA, DAMMA, KASRA, SUKUN, SHADDA, FATHATAN, DAMMATAN, KASRATAN
stripTatweel() String
Strip tatweel from text and return a result text.