notNull<T> static method

T notNull<T>(
  1. T object, [
  2. String message = DEFAULT_IS_NULL_EX_MESSAGE

Validate that the specified argument is not [null]; otherwise throwing an exception.

Validate.notNull(myObject, "The object must not be null");

The message of the exception is "The validated object is null".

object the object to check Returns the validated object if not null Throws ArgumentError if the object is null


//    static dynamic notNull(final object,[String message = DEFAULT_IS_NULL_EX_MESSAGE]) {
//        if (object == null) {
//            throw new ArgumentError(message);
//        }
//        return object;
//    }

static T notNull<T>(final T object,
    [String message = DEFAULT_IS_NULL_EX_MESSAGE]) =>
    expect.notNull(object, message: () => message);