formatSource method

SourceCode formatSource(
  1. SourceCode source

Formats the given source.

Returns a new SourceCode containing the formatted code and the resulting selection, if any.


SourceCode formatSource(SourceCode source) {
  var inputOffset = 0;
  var text = source.text;
  var unitSourceCode = source;

  // If we're parsing a single statement, wrap the source in a fake function.
  if (!source.isCompilationUnit) {
    var prefix = 'void foo() { ';
    inputOffset = prefix.length;
    text = '$prefix$text }';
    unitSourceCode = SourceCode(
      uri: source.uri,
      isCompilationUnit: false,
      selectionStart: source.selectionStart != null
          ? source.selectionStart! + inputOffset
          : null,
      selectionLength: source.selectionLength,

  // Parse it.
  var parseResult = _parse(text, source.uri, patterns: true);

  // If we couldn't parse it with patterns enabled, it may be because of
  // one of the breaking syntax changes to switch cases. Try parsing it
  // again without patterns.
  if (parseResult.errors.isNotEmpty) {
    var withoutPatternsResult = _parse(text, source.uri, patterns: false);

    // If we succeeded this time, use this parse instead.
    if (withoutPatternsResult.errors.isEmpty) {
      parseResult = withoutPatternsResult;

  // Infer the line ending if not given one. Do it here since now we know
  // where the lines start.
  if (lineEnding == null) {
    // If the first newline is "\r\n", use that. Otherwise, use "\n".
    var lineStarts = parseResult.lineInfo.lineStarts;
    if (lineStarts.length > 1 &&
        lineStarts[1] >= 2 &&
        text[lineStarts[1] - 2] == '\r') {
      lineEnding = '\r\n';
    } else {
      lineEnding = '\n';

  // Throw if there are syntactic errors.
  var syntacticErrors = parseResult.errors.where((error) {
    return error.errorCode.type == ErrorType.SYNTACTIC_ERROR;
  if (syntacticErrors.isNotEmpty) {
    throw FormatterException(syntacticErrors);

  AstNode node;
  if (source.isCompilationUnit) {
    node = parseResult.unit;
  } else {
    var function = parseResult.unit.declarations[0] as FunctionDeclaration;
    var body = function.functionExpression.body as BlockFunctionBody;
    node = body.block.statements[0];

    // Make sure we consumed all of the source.
    var token =!;
    if (token.type != TokenType.CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET) {
      var stringSource = StringSource(text, source.uri);
      var error = AnalysisError.tmp(
          source: stringSource,
          offset: token.offset - inputOffset,
          length: math.max(token.length, 1),
          errorCode: ParserErrorCode.UNEXPECTED_TOKEN,
          arguments: [token.lexeme]);
      throw FormatterException([error]);

  // Format it.
  var lineInfo = parseResult.lineInfo;

  SourceCode output;
  if (experimentFlags.contains(tallStyleExperimentFlag)) {
    var visitor = AstNodeVisitor(this, lineInfo, unitSourceCode);
    output =;
  } else {
    var visitor = SourceVisitor(this, lineInfo, unitSourceCode);
    output =;

  // Sanity check that only whitespace was changed if that's all we expect.
  if (fixes.isEmpty &&
      !string_compare.equalIgnoringWhitespace(source.text, output.text)) {
    throw UnexpectedOutputException(source.text, output.text);

  return output;