getFieldStringWithDec method

String getFieldStringWithDec(
  1. int size,
  2. int decimalPlaces,
  3. num n


String getFieldStringWithDec(int size, int decimalPlaces, num n) {
  StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer();

  if (n != null) {
    double dval = n.toDouble();

    /* DecimalFormat documentation:
               * NaN is formatted as a string, which typically has a single character \uFFFD.
               * This string is determined by the DecimalFormatSymbols object.
               * This is the only value for which the prefixes and suffixes are not used.
               * Infinity is formatted as a string, which typically has a single character \u221E,
               * with the positive or negative prefixes and suffixes applied.
               * The infinity string is determined by the DecimalFormatSymbols object.
    /* However, the Double.toString method returns an ascii string, which is more ESRI-friendly */
    if (dval.isNaN || dval.isInfinite) {
      /* Should we use toString for integral numbers as well? */
    } else {
      var maxDig = decimalPlaces > 16 ? 16 : decimalPlaces;
      var toAdd = decimalPlaces - 16;

      numFormat.maximumFractionDigits = maxDig;
      numFormat.minimumFractionDigits = decimalPlaces;
      // FieldPosition fp = new FieldPosition(NumberFormat.FRACTION_FIELD);
      // numFormat.format(n, buffer, fp);
      String numStr = numFormat.format(n);
      for (var i = 0; i < toAdd; i++) {
        numStr += '0';

      // large-magnitude numbers may overflow the field size in non-exponent notation,
      // so do a safety check and fall back to native representation to preserve value
      // TODO check the impact of this, hope for testcase
      // if (fp.getBeginIndex() >= size) {
      //     buffer.delete(0, buffer.length());
      //     buffer.append(n.toString());
      //     if (buffer.length() > size) {
      //         // we have a grevious problem -- the value does not fit in the required
      //         // size.
      //         ShpLogger().w(
      //                 'Writing DBF data, value $n cannot be represented in size $size');
      //         if (!swallowFieldSizeErrors) {
      //             // rather than truncate, and corrupt the data, we throw a Runtime
      //             throw  ArgumentError(
      //                     'Value $n cannot be represented in size $size');
      //         }
      //     }
      // }

  String outBuf = buffer.toString();
  int diff = size - buffer.length;
  if (diff > 0) {
    for (var i = 0; i < diff; i++) {
      outBuf = ' ' + outBuf;
    // buffer.insert(0, emptyString.substring(0, diff));
  } else if (diff < 0) {
    outBuf = outBuf.substring(0, size);
    // buffer.setLength(size);
  return outBuf;