writeRecord method

Future<void> writeRecord(
  1. List record

Write a single dbase record.

@param record The entries to write. @throws IOException If IO error occurs. @throws DbaseFileException If the entry doesn't comply to the header.


Future<void> writeRecord(List<dynamic> record) async {
  if (record.length != header.getNumFields()) {
    throw DbaseFileException(
        'Wrong number of fields ${record.length} expected ${header.getNumFields()}');

  List<int> buffer = [];
  // put the 'not-deleted' marker
  buffer.add(' '.codeUnitAt(0));

  for (int i = 0; i < header.getNumFields(); i++) {
    // convert this column to bytes
    List<int> bytes;
    if (record[i] == null) {
      bytes = nullValues[i];
    } else {
      bytes = await fieldBytes(record[i], i);
      // if the returned array is not the proper length
      // write a null instead; this will only happen
      // when the formatter handles a value improperly.
      if (bytes.length != nullValues[i].length) {
        bytes = nullValues[i];

  await write(buffer);