differenceEncoded static method

int differenceEncoded(
  1. String? e1,
  2. String? e2

Returns the number of characters that are the same in the e1 and e2 encoded strings.

Despite the name, this is actually a measure of similarity. This naming is consistent with the SQL DIFFERENCE function definition.


static int differenceEncoded(final String? e1, final String? e2) {
  if (e1 == null || e1.isEmpty || e2 == null || e2.isEmpty) {
    return 0;

  var iterator1 = e1.codeUnits.iterator;
  var iterator2 = e2.codeUnits.iterator;

  var diff = 0;
  while (iterator1.moveNext() && iterator2.moveNext()) {
    if (iterator1.current == iterator2.current) {

  return diff;