dart_mock library

A dart library to get the mock value.

Only basic type values can now be mocked.


image format.


cfirstNames → const List<String>
common chinese firstName, from 'http://www.name999.net/xingming/xingshi/20131004/48.html'.
chineseCharacters → const String
Commonly used 500 Chinese characters, from 'http://baike.baidu.com/view/568436.htm'.
citiesData → const Map<String, dynamic>
chinese cities.
clastNames → const List<String>
common chinese lastName, from (http://baike.baidu.com/view/1719115.htm' and 'http://xuanpai.sinaapp.com'.
firstNames → const List<String>
Beyond the top 1000 names, from 'http://www.ssa.gov/oact/babynames/limits.html'.
lastNames → const List<String>
lower → const String
lower case letters.
maxDate → const int
max dateTime, equal 2099-12-31 23:59:59:999.
maxInteger → const int
max int value, equal to 2^63-1.
number → const String
protocols → const List<String>
common protocols.
provincesData → const Map<String, String>
chinese provinces.
regions → const List<String>
chinese regions.
sizes → const List<String>
common ad image sizes.
symbol → const String
tlds → const List<String>
common tlds, from 'http://www.163ns.com/zixun/post/4417.html'.
upper → const String
upper case letters.


boolean({int min = 5, int max = 10, bool def = true}) bool
min/max probability will return def.
capitalize(String string) String
capitalize the first letter of the word.
cfirst() String
return a random chinses firstName.
character({List<String> pools = const [lower, upper], String self = ''}) String
return a character from parameter.
city({bool splice = false}) String
return a random chinese city.
clast() String
return a random chinses lastName.
cname() String
return a random chinses name.
county({bool splice = false}) String
return a random chinese county.
cparagraph({int min = 3, int? max = 7}) String
return a random chinese paragraph.
csentence({int min = 12, int? max = 18}) String
return a random chinese sentence.
ctitle({int min = 3, int? max = 7}) String
return a random chinese title.
cword({String pool = chineseCharacters, int min = 1, int? max}) String
return a random chinese word.
dateTime({DateTime? start, DateTime? end}) DateTime
return a random dateTime.
dateTimeString({DateTime? start, DateTime? end, String format = 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'}) String
return a formatted random dateTime string.
domain({String? tld}) String
return a random domain.
doubleR({int min = 0, int max = 1, int decimal = -1}) double
return a double between min to max.
email({String? host}) String
return a random email, example: esvhm@rkej.pg.
first() String
return a random firstName.
guid() String
return a random guid.
hex({bool alpha = true}) String
return a hex color string, example: FFAABBCC.
hexValue() int
return a 16 radix int, example: 4285062059.
idCard() String
return a random chinese idCard.
image({String? size, String? background, String? foreground, ImageFormat? format, String? text}) String
return a random image url.
integer({int min = 0, int max = maxInteger}) int
return an integer between min to max.
ip() String
return a random ip.
last() String
return a random lastName.
name({bool middle = false}) String
return a random english name.
paragraph({int min = 3, int? max = 7}) String
return a random paragraph.
pick<T>(List<T> list) → T
random pick a object from list.
protocol() String
return a random protocol.
provice() String
return a random chinese provice.
region() String
return a random chinese region.
sentence({int min = 12, int? max = 18}) String
return a random sentence, the first word capitalized.
string({List<String> pools = const [lower, upper, number, symbol], String self = '', int min = 5, int? max}) String
return a string with random character.
title({int min = 3, int? max = 7}) String
return a random title, all word capitalized.
tld() String
return a random tld.
url({String? protocol, String? host}) String
return a random domain.
word({int min = 3, int? max = 10}) String
return a random word.
zip({int length = 6}) String
return a random zip.