MultiLineString class

Models a collection of {@link LineString}s.

Any collection of LineStrings is a valid MultiLineString.

@version 1.7

Implemented types


MultiLineString(List<LineString> lineStrings, PrecisionModel precisionModel, int SRID)
Constructs a MultiLineString.
MultiLineString.withFactory(List<LineString>? lineStrings, GeometryFactory factory)
@param lineStrings the LineStrings for this MultiLineString, or null or an empty array to create the empty geometry. Elements may be empty LineStrings, but not nulls.


envelope Envelope?
The bounding box of this Geometry.
getter/setter pairinherited
geometries List<Geometry>
Internal representation of this GeometryCollection.
getter/setter pairinherited
geomFactory GeometryFactory
The {@link GeometryFactory} used to create this Geometry
hashCode int
Gets a hash code for the Geometry.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
SRID int
The ID of the Spatial Reference System used by this Geometry
getter/setter pairinherited
userData Object?
An object reference which can be used to carry ancillary data defined by the client.
getter/setter pairinherited


applyCF(CoordinateFilter filter) → void
Performs an operation with or on this Geometry's coordinates. If this method modifies any coordinate values, {@link #geometryChanged} must be called to update the geometry state. Note that you cannot use this method to modify this Geometry if its underlying CoordinateSequence's #get method returns a copy of the Coordinate, rather than the actual Coordinate stored (if it even stores Coordinate objects at all).
applyCSF(CoordinateSequenceFilter filter) → void
Performs an operation on the coordinates in this Geometry's {@link CoordinateSequence}s. If the filter reports that a coordinate value has been changed, {@link #geometryChanged} will be called automatically.
applyGCF(GeometryComponentFilter filter) → void
Performs an operation with or on this Geometry and its component Geometry's. Only GeometryCollections and Polygons have component Geometry's; for Polygons they are the LinearRings of the shell and holes.
applyGF(GeometryFilter filter) → void
Performs an operation with or on this Geometry and its subelement Geometrys (if any). Only GeometryCollections and subclasses have subelement Geometry's.
buffer(double distance) Geometry
Computes a buffer area around this geometry having the given width. The buffer of a Geometry is the Minkowski sum or difference of the geometry with a disc of radius abs(distance).
buffer2(double distance, int quadrantSegments) Geometry
Computes a buffer area around this geometry having the given width and with a specified accuracy of approximation for circular arcs.
buffer3(double distance, int quadrantSegments, int endCapStyle) Geometry
Computes a buffer area around this geometry having the given width and with a specified accuracy of approximation for circular arcs, and using a specified end cap style.
clone() Object
Creates and returns a full copy of this {@link GeometryCollection} object. (including all coordinates contained by it).
compare(List a, List b) int
Returns the first non-zero result of compareTo encountered as the two Collections are iterated over. If, by the time one of the iterations is complete, no non-zero result has been encountered, returns 0 if the other iteration is also complete. If b completes before a, a positive number is returned; if a before b, a negative number.
compareTo(dynamic o) int
Returns whether this Geometry is greater than, equal to, or less than another Geometry.
compareToSameClass(Object o) int
Returns whether this Geometry is greater than, equal to, or less than another Geometry having the same class.
compareToSameClassWithComparator(Object o, Comparator<CoordinateSequence> comp) int
Returns whether this Geometry is greater than, equal to, or less than another Geometry of the same class. using the given {@link CoordinateSequenceComparator}.
compareToWithComparator(Object o, Comparator<CoordinateSequence> comp) int
Returns whether this Geometry is greater than, equal to, or less than another Geometry, using the given {@link CoordinateSequenceComparator}.
computeEnvelopeInternal() Envelope
Returns the minimum and maximum x and y values in this Geometry , or a null Envelope if this Geometry is empty. Unlike getEnvelopeInternal, this method calculates the Envelope each time it is called; getEnvelopeInternal caches the result of this method.
contains(Geometry g) bool
Tests whether this geometry contains the argument geometry.
convexHull() Geometry
Computes the smallest convex Polygon that contains all the points in the Geometry. This obviously applies only to Geometry s which contain 3 or more points; the results for degenerate cases are specified as follows:
copy() Geometry
Creates a deep copy of this {@link Geometry} object. Coordinate sequences contained in it are copied. All instance fields are copied (i.e. the SRID and userData).
copyInternal() MultiLineString
An internal method to copy subclass-specific geometry data.
coveredBy(Geometry g) bool
Tests whether this geometry is covered by the argument geometry.
covers(Geometry g) bool
Tests whether this geometry covers the argument geometry.
createPointFromInternalCoord(Coordinate coord, Geometry exemplar) Point
crosses(Geometry g) bool
Tests whether this geometry crosses the argument geometry.
difference(Geometry other) Geometry
Computes a Geometry representing the closure of the point-set of the points contained in this Geometry that are not contained in the other Geometry.
disjoint(Geometry g) bool
Tests whether this geometry is disjoint from the argument geometry.
distance(Geometry g) double
Returns the minimum distance between this Geometry and another Geometry.
equal(Coordinate a, Coordinate b, double tolerance) bool
equals(Geometry? g) bool
Tests whether this geometry is topologically equal to the argument geometry.
equalsExact(Geometry other, double tolerance) bool
equalsExactGeom(Geometry other) bool
Returns true if the two Geometrys are exactly equal. Two Geometries are exactly equal iff:
equalsExactWithTol(Geometry other, double tolerance) bool
Returns true if the two Geometrys are exactly equal, up to a specified distance tolerance. Two Geometries are exactly equal within a distance tolerance if and only if:
equalsNorm(Geometry? g) bool
Tests whether two geometries are exactly equal in their normalized forms. This is a convenience method which creates normalized versions of both geometries before computing {@link #equalsExact(Geometry)}.
equalsObj(Object o) bool
Tests whether this geometry is structurally and numerically equal to a given Object. If the argument Object is not a Geometry, the result is false. Otherwise, the result is computed using {@link #equalsExact(Geometry)}.
equalsTopo(Geometry g) bool
Tests whether this geometry is topologically equal to the argument geometry as defined by the SFS equals predicate.
geometryChanged() → void
Notifies this geometry that its coordinates have been changed by an external party (for example, via a {@link CoordinateFilter}). When this method is called the geometry will flush and/or update any derived information it has cached (such as its {@link Envelope} ). The operation is applied to all component Geometries.
geometryChangedAction() → void
Notifies this Geometry that its Coordinates have been changed by an external party. When #geometryChanged is called, this method will be called for this Geometry and its component Geometries.
getArea() double
Returns the area of this GeometryCollection
getBoundary() Geometry
Gets the boundary of this geometry. The boundary of a lineal geometry is always a zero-dimensional geometry (which may be empty).
getBoundaryDimension() int
Returns the dimension of this Geometrys inherent boundary.
getCentroid() Point
Computes the centroid of this Geometry. The centroid is equal to the centroid of the set of component Geometries of highest dimension (since the lower-dimension geometries contribute zero "weight" to the centroid).
getCoordinate() Coordinate?
Returns a vertex of this Geometry (usually, but not necessarily, the first one). The returned coordinate should not be assumed to be an actual Coordinate object used in the internal representation.
getCoordinates() List<Coordinate>
Collects all coordinates of all subgeometries into an Array.
getDimension() int
Returns the dimension of this geometry. The dimension of a geometry is is the topological dimension of its embedding in the 2-D Euclidean plane. In the JTS spatial model, dimension values are in the set {0,1,2}.
getEnvelope() Geometry
Gets a Geometry representing the envelope (bounding box) of this Geometry.
getEnvelopeInternal() Envelope
Gets an {@link Envelope} containing the minimum and maximum x and y values in this Geometry. If the geometry is empty, an empty Envelope is returned.
getFactory() GeometryFactory
Gets the factory which contains the context in which this geometry was created.
getGeometryN(int n) Geometry
Returns an element {@link Geometry} from a {@link GeometryCollection} (or this, if the geometry is not a collection).
getGeometryType() String
Returns the name of this Geometry's actual class.
getInteriorPoint() Point
Computes an interior point of this Geometry. An interior point is guaranteed to lie in the interior of the Geometry, if it possible to calculate such a point exactly. Otherwise, the point may lie on the boundary of the geometry.
getLength() double
Returns the length of this Geometry. Linear geometries return their length. Areal geometries return their perimeter. They override this function to compute the area. Others return 0.0
getNumGeometries() int
Returns the number of {@link Geometry}s in a {@link GeometryCollection} (or 1, if the geometry is not a collection).
getNumPoints() int
Returns the count of this Geometrys vertices. The Geometry s contained by composite Geometrys must be Geometry's; that is, they must implement getNumPoints
getPrecisionModel() PrecisionModel
Returns the PrecisionModel used by the Geometry.
getSortIndex() int
getSRID() int
Returns the ID of the Spatial Reference System used by the Geometry.
getUserData() Object?
Gets the user data object for this geometry, if any.
intersection(Geometry other) Geometry
Computes a Geometry representing the point-set which is common to both this Geometry and the other Geometry.
intersects(Geometry g) bool
Tests whether this geometry intersects the argument geometry.
isClosed() bool
isEmpty() bool
Tests whether the set of points covered by this Geometry is empty.
isEquivalentClass(Geometry other) bool
Returns whether the two Geometrys are equal, from the point of view of the equalsExact method. Called by equalsExact . In general, two Geometry classes are considered to be "equivalent" only if they are the same class. An exception is LineString , which is considered to be equivalent to its subclasses.
isGeometryCollection() bool
Tests whether this is an instance of a general {@link GeometryCollection}, rather than a homogeneous subclass.
isRectangle() bool
Tests whether this is a rectangular {@link Polygon}.
isSimple() bool
Tests whether this {@link Geometry} is simple. The SFS definition of simplicity follows the general rule that a Geometry is simple if it has no points of self-tangency, self-intersection or other anomalous points.
isValid() bool
Tests whether this Geometry is topologically valid, according to the OGC SFS specification.
isWithinDistance(Geometry geom, double distance) bool
Tests whether the distance from this Geometry to another is less than or equal to a specified value.
norm() Geometry
Creates a new Geometry which is a normalized copy of this Geometry.
normalize() → void
Converts this Geometry to normal form (or canonical form ). Normal form is a unique representation for Geometry s. It can be used to test whether two Geometrys are equal in a way that is independent of the ordering of the coordinates within them. Normal form equality is a stronger condition than topological equality, but weaker than pointwise equality. The definitions for normal form use the standard lexicographical ordering for coordinates. "Sorted in order of coordinates" means the obvious extension of this ordering to sequences of coordinates.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
overlaps(Geometry g) bool
Tests whether this geometry overlaps the specified geometry.
relate(Geometry g) IntersectionMatrix
Returns the DE-9IM {@link IntersectionMatrix} for the two Geometrys.
relateWithPattern(Geometry g, String intersectionPattern) bool
Tests whether the elements in the DE-9IM {@link IntersectionMatrix} for the two Geometrys match the elements in intersectionPattern. The pattern is a 9-character string, with symbols drawn from the following set:
reverse() Geometry
Creates a {@link MultiLineString} in the reverse order to this object. Both the order of the component LineStrings and the order of their coordinate sequences are reversed.
setSRID(int SRID) → void
Sets the ID of the Spatial Reference System used by the Geometry.
setUserData(Object? userData) → void
A simple scheme for applications to add their own custom data to a Geometry. An example use might be to add an object representing a Coordinate Reference System.
symDifference(Geometry other) Geometry
Computes a Geometry representing the closure of the point-set which is the union of the points in this Geometry which are not contained in the other Geometry, with the points in the other Geometry not contained in this Geometry. If the result is empty, it is an atomic geometry with the dimension of the highest input dimension.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
toText() String
Returns the Well-known Text representation of this Geometry. For a definition of the Well-known Text format, see the OpenGIS Simple Features Specification.
touches(Geometry g) bool
Tests whether this geometry touches the argument geometry.
union() Geometry
Computes the union of all the elements of this geometry.
unionGeom(Geometry other) Geometry
Computes a Geometry representing the point-set which is contained in both this Geometry and the other Geometry.
within(Geometry g) bool
Tests whether this geometry is within the specified geometry.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.