bimap<C, D> method

Either<C, D> bimap<C, D>({
  1. required C leftOperation(
    1. L value
  2. required D rightOperation(
    1. R value

Map over Left and Right of this Either


final Either<String, int> either = Right(1);

// Result: Right('1')
final Either<List<String>, String> mapped = either.bimap(
  leftOperation: (String s) => s.split(''),
  rightOperation: (int i) => i.toString(),
final Either<String, int> either = Left('hoc081098');

// Result: Left(['h', 'o', 'c', '0', '8', '1', '0', '9', '8'])
final Either<List<String>, String> mapped = either.bimap(
  leftOperation: (String s) => s.split(''),
  rightOperation: (int i) => i.toString(),


Either<C, D> bimap<C, D>({
  required C Function(L value) leftOperation,
  required D Function(R value) rightOperation,
}) =>
      ifLeft: (l) => Either.left(leftOperation(l)),
      ifRight: (r) => Either.right(rightOperation(r)),