takeAllArgs function

ArgResults takeAllArgs(
  1. ArgParser parser,
  2. ArgResults results

Return a parsed ArgResults that includes the option args (flags, single options, and multi options) supported by parser as well as any positional args.

Option args not supported by parser will be excluded.

Use this with a CompoundTool to indicate which tool should receive the positional args given to the compound target.

// tool/dart_dev/config.dart
import 'package:dart_dev/dart_dev.dart';

final config = {
  'test': CompoundTool()
    // This tool will not receive any positional args
    // This tool will receive the test-specific option args as well as
    // any positional args given to `ddev test`.
    ..addTool(TestTool(), argMapper: takeAllArgs)


ArgResults takeAllArgs(ArgParser parser, ArgResults results) => parser.parse([
      ...optionArgsOnly(results, allowedOptions: parser.options.keys),