trySingleOrDefault method

T? trySingleOrDefault({
  1. T? defaultValue,

Returns the single element in the iterable, or a defaultValue if no such element exists.

Returns the single value in this iterable, assuming the iterable has a length of one. If the iterable is empty or contains more than one element, the value specified by defaultValue is returned instead.

This method function will short-circuit after reaching the second element of the iteration, if one exists. In the worst-case scenario, this method will iterate over two elements of the iterable.


void main() {
  final list = [1, 2];
  final result = list.singleOrDefault(defaultValue: -1);

  // Result: -1


T? trySingleOrDefault({T? defaultValue}) {
  final iter = iterator;
  if (!iter.moveNext()) return defaultValue;

  var val = iter.current;
  if (iter.moveNext()) {
    return defaultValue;

  return val;