toMap<TKey, TValue> method

Map<TKey, TValue> toMap<TKey, TValue>(
  1. MapEntry<TKey, TValue> entrySelector(
    1. T element
    ), {
  2. bool modifiable = false,

Converts the iterable to a Map.

Iterates over the entire iterable, generating a MapEntry from each element with the entrySelector function then saving each generated entry in a Map under the generated key.

If a duplicate key is produced, the value generated by a prior element is overwritten. As such, the length of the resulting Map is not guaranteed to be the same length as the iterable.

(Because the underlying type of Dart Map natives is LinkedHashMap, this method is a convenience method that is equivalent to calling toLinkedHashMap.)


void main() {
  var list = [97, 98, 99];
  var result = list.toMap((x) => MapEntry(x, String.fromCodeUnit(x)));

  // Result: { 97: 'a', 98: 'b', 99: 'c' }


Map<TKey, TValue> toMap<TKey, TValue>(
  MapEntry<TKey, TValue> Function(T element) entrySelector, {
  bool modifiable = false,
}) {
  return toLinkedHashMap(entrySelector, modifiable: modifiable);