sequenceEquals method

bool sequenceEquals(
  1. Iterable<T> other, {
  2. bool comparer(
    1. T outer,
    2. T inner

Returns true if this iterable is equivalent to the given collection.

Iterates over both this iterable and the given other collection. If the comparison returns false for any element pair, sequenceEquals will return false.

Furthermore, if either collections iteration ends before the other's does, the lengths of the collections is deemed unequal, and sequenceEquals will return false.

If the iterable and the other collection are the same length and each element in the corresponsing positions of both are deemed equal by the selector functions, sequenceEquals will return true.


void main() {
  final listA = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
  final listB = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
  final result = listA.sequenceEquals(listB);

  // Result: true


bool sequenceEquals(
  Iterable<T> other, {
  bool Function(T outer, T inner)? comparer,
}) {
  final iterA = iterator;
  final iterB = other.iterator;

  bool aHasNext;
  bool bHasNext;

  comparer ??= EqualityComparer.forType<T>().compare;

  do {
    aHasNext = iterA.moveNext();
    bHasNext = iterB.moveNext();

    if (aHasNext && bHasNext) {
      if (!comparer(iterA.current, iterB.current)) {
        return false;
  } while (aHasNext && bHasNext);

  if (aHasNext != bHasNext) return false;

  return true;