select<TResult> method

Iterable<TResult> select<TResult>(
  1. TResult selector(
    1. T element,
    2. int index

Applies a mapping function to the elements in the iterable, including the index where each element is found.

During iteration, the selector function is provided each value in the iterable along with the index of the value in the iteration. The returned value of that function is then provided as the next element of the resulting iterable.

void main() {
  final list = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'];
  final result =, i) => '$i_$c');

  // Result: ['0_a', '1_b', '2_c', '3_d']


Iterable<TResult> select<TResult>(
    TResult Function(T element, int index) selector) sync* {
  var index = 0;
  for (var v in this) {
    yield selector(v, index++);