lastWhereOrDefault method

T? lastWhereOrDefault(
  1. bool condition(
    1. T element
    ), {
  2. T? defaultValue,

Returns the last element in the iterable matching a specified condition, or a default value if none is found.

Iterates over the entire iterable and returns last value that matched the condition.

If the iterable is empty, or if no value was found that matched the condition, the value specified by defaultValue will be returned instead. If defaultValue is omitted, the returned value will be null.


void main() {
  final list = [1, 3, 5];
  final result = list.lastWhereOrDefault((x) => x.isEven, defaultValue: -1);

  // Result: -1


T? lastWhereOrDefault(bool Function(T element) condition, {T? defaultValue}) {
  if (isEmpty) return defaultValue;

  var found = false;
  T? val;

  for (var v in this) {
    if (condition(v)) {
      val = v;
      found = true;

  if (found) {
    return val as T;

  return defaultValue;