groupJoin<TInner, TKey, TResult> method

GroupJoinIterable<T, TInner, TKey, TResult> groupJoin<TInner, TKey, TResult>(
  1. Iterable<TInner> inner,
  2. TResult resultSelector(
    1. T element,
    2. Iterable<TInner> other
    ), {
  3. TKey outerKeySelector(
    1. T element
  4. TKey innerKeySelector(
    1. TInner otherElement
  5. EqualityComparer<TKey>? keyComparer,

Joins elements in the iterable with a group of all elements in the inner collection that match the generated key.

First, groupJoin will iterate over the inner collection and make a lookup table of its elements, referenceable by a key generated by innerKeySelector. Then groupJoin will iterate over the source iteration, generating keys via the outerKeySelector. If a generated outer key matches an inner key in the collection lookup, the iterable element is passed to the resultSelector with all elements from the inner collection that match that key. The returned value of resultSelector is then added to the resulting iterable.

Elements in the source iterable that doesn't share a key in the lookup table are passed to the resultSelector function with an empty collection as the second parameter. Elements in inner that don't share a key with a source iterable element are discarded.

The outerKeySelector, innerKeySelector, and keyComparer parameters are optional. If omitted, the selectors revert to a default selector that returns the input directly, and keyComparer reverts to a comparer that checks for strict equivalency.

groupJoin is different from joinMap in that, where joinMap will produce a new resulting element for each key match between the source iterable and the inner collection, groupJoin will produce a new element from an element in the source iterable and all elements in the inner collection that match on the key.


class Person {

  String name;

class Pet {
  Pet(, this.age, this.owner);

  String name;
  double age;
  Person owner;

void main() {
  final people = [
  final pets = [
    Pet('Barley', 8, people[1]),   // owner: terry
    Pet('Boots', 4, people[1]),    // owner: terry
    Pet('Whiskers', 1, people[2]), // owner: charlotte
    Pet('Daisy', 4, people[0]),    // owner: travis

  final result = people.groupJoin(
    (person, pets) => <String, dynamic>{
      'pets':, i) =>
    outerKeySelector: (person) =>,
    innerKeySelector: (pet) =>,

  // Resulting Iterable:
  // [
  //   { 'ownerName': 'Travis', 'pets': ['Daisy'] },
  //   { 'ownerName': 'Terry', 'pets': ['Barley', 'Boots'] },
  //   { 'ownerName': 'Charlotte', 'pets': ['Whiskers'] },
  //   { 'ownerName': 'Benny', 'pets': [] },
  // ]


GroupJoinIterable<T, TInner, TKey, TResult> groupJoin<TInner, TKey, TResult>(
  Iterable<TInner> inner,
  TResult Function(T element, Iterable<TInner> other) resultSelector, {
  TKey Function(T element)? outerKeySelector,
  TKey Function(TInner otherElement)? innerKeySelector,
  EqualityComparer<TKey>? keyComparer,
}) {
  outerKeySelector ??= (T v) => v as TKey;
  innerKeySelector ??= (TInner v) => v as TKey;
  keyComparer ??= EqualityComparer.forType<TKey>();

  return GroupJoinIterable<T, TInner, TKey, TResult>(this, inner,
      outerKeySelector, innerKeySelector, resultSelector, keyComparer);