excludeRange method

Iterable<T> excludeRange(
  1. int start,
  2. int count

Returns all elements in this iterable except those that are within the specified range.

If start is greater than the length of the iterable or if count is zero, the iterable is unchanged. If start or count are less than zero, a RangeError is thrown.


Iterable<T> excludeRange(int start, int count) sync* {
  if (start < 0) {
    throw RangeError.index(start, this, 'start',
        'The value of "start" must be greater than zero.');
  if (count < 0) {
    throw RangeError.index(count, this, 'count',
        'The value of "count" must be greater than zero.');
  if (start == 0) {
    yield* skip(count);

  final iterator = this.iterator;
  var i = 0;

  while (iterator.moveNext()) {
    while (i >= start && i < start + count) {
    yield iterator.current;