distinct method

Iterable<T> distinct([
  1. Object keySelector(
    1. T element

Returns an iterable representing the distinct values of this iterable.

After applying the distinct method to an iterable, the resulting iterable will consist of distinct values in the source iterable. (Distinctness is determined by calling hashCode on each value.)

Optionally, a keySelector can be supplied to handle comparisons. If one is provided, the distinct method will pass each element in the iterable to the keySelector callback and use the returned value to determine equivalency. Otherwise, the distinct method will use the element itself.

Each element will be the first element found in the source iterable in iteration order, meaning subsequent elements with unique data that are deemed non-distinct by their hash code (or by the keySelector) will be dropped.

If none of the elements in the iterable match any other element in the iterable, the iterable will be unchanged.\


void main() {
  final list = [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3];
  final result = list.distinct();

  // Result: [0, 1, 2, 3]


Iterable<T> distinct([Object Function(T element)? keySelector]) sync* {
  keySelector ??= (T v) => v as Object;
  final set = <dynamic>{};

  for (var t in this) {
    if (set.add(keySelector(t))) yield t;