d4_time_format library

Parse and format times, inspired by strptime and strftime.

This package provides an approximate Dart implementation of the venerable strptime and strftime functions from the C standard library, and can be used to parse or format dates in a variety of locale-specific representations. To format a date, create a formatter (see TimeFormatLocale.format) from a specifier (a string with the desired format directives, indicated by %); then pass a date to the formatter, which returns a string. For example, to convert the current date to a human-readable string:

final formatTime = timeFormat("%B %d, %Y");
formatTime(DateTime.timestamp()); // "May 31, 2023"

Likewise, to convert a string back to a date, create a parser:

final parseTime = timeParse("%B %d, %Y", isUtc: true);
parseTime("June 30, 2015"); // 2023-05-31

You can implement more elaborate conditional time formats, too. For example, here’s a multi-scale time format using time intervals:

final formatMillisecond = timeFormat(".%L"),
    formatSecond = timeFormat(":%S"),
    formatMinute = timeFormat("%I:%M"),
    formatHour = timeFormat("%I %p"),
    formatDay = timeFormat("%a %d"),
    formatWeek = timeFormat("%b %d"),
    formatMonth = timeFormat("%B"),
    formatYear = timeFormat("%Y");

multiFormat(DateTime date) {
  return (timeSecond(date).isBefore(date)
      ? formatMillisecond
      : timeMinute(date).isBefore(date)
          ? formatSecond
          : timeHour(date).isBefore(date)
              ? formatMinute
              : timeDay(date).isBefore(date)
                  ? formatHour
                  : timeMonth(date).isBefore(date)
                      ? (timeWeek(date).isBefore(date)
                          ? formatDay
                          : formatWeek)
                      : timeYear(date).isBefore(date)
                          ? formatMonth
                          : formatYear)(date);

This package is used by D4 time scales to generate human-readable ticks.


Time locale formats define how a date should be parsed and formatted in a locale-specific way.


timeFormat(String specifier) String Function(DateTime)
An alias for TimeFormatLocale.format on the default locale.
timeFormatDefaultLocale({required String dateTime, required String date, required String time, required List<String> periods, required List<String> days, required List<String> shortDays, required List<String> months, required List<String> shortMonths}) TimeFormatLocale
Equivalent to TimeFormatLocale.new, except it also redefines timeFormat and timeParse to the new locale’s TimeFormatLocale.format and TimeFormatLocale.parse.
timeFormatDefaultLocaleFromJson(Map<String, dynamic> definition) TimeFormatLocale
Equivalent to timeFormatDefaultLocale, but it accepts a JSON definition object instead of individual arguments
timeParse(String specifier, {bool isUtc = false}) DateTime? Function(String)
An alias for TimeFormatLocale.parse on the default locale.