buildTextSpan method

  1. @override
TextSpan buildTextSpan(
  1. {required BuildContext context,
  2. TextStyle? style,
  3. required bool withComposing}

Builds TextSpan from current editing value.

By default makes text in composing range appear as underlined. Descendants can override this method to customize appearance of text.


TextSpan buildTextSpan({
  required BuildContext context,
  TextStyle? style,
  required bool withComposing,
}) {
  if (_parser == null) {

  return _textSpanNotifier.elements.isEmpty
      ? TextSpan(
          text: _textSpanNotifier.value.text,
          style: style,
      : TextSpan(
          children: _textSpanNotifier.value.children,
          // The style from buildTextSpan() must be applied to the
          // top level. Applying it to the children instead causes
          // the following behaviours.
          // * The height is not applied to the cursor.
          // * Changes in the style specified in editable text are
          //   not reflected quickly.
          style: style,