encryption/encryption_decryption library


decryptWithKey({dynamic encrypted, required EncryptionKey key}) Future<List<int>>
Provided an encrypted+serialized string (in Cryppo's encryption serialization format) and a Key (the type of which depends on the type of encryption used) return the decrypted binary data.
decryptWithKeyDerivedFromString({required String serialized, required String passphrase}) Future<List<int>>
Provided an encrypted+serialized string (in Cryppo's encryption serialization format which includes serialized key derivation artefacts), derive the key (using the entered passphrase) and return the decrypted binary data.
encryptWithDerivedKey({required EncryptionStrategy encryptionStrategy, DerivationStrategy keyDerivationStrategy = DerivationStrategy.pbkdf2Hmac, required String passphrase, required List<int> data}) Future<EncryptionResult>
Encrypts data with a key derived from passphrase using keyDerivationStrategy, data must be provided in bytes A EncryptionKey can be a symmetrical key or a key pair, which corresponds to AES or RSA EncryptionStrategy
encryptWithKey({required EncryptionStrategy encryptionStrategy, required EncryptionKey key, required List<int> data}) Future<EncryptionResult>
Encrypts data with EncryptionKey, data must be provided in bytes A EncryptionKey can be a symmetrical key or a key pair, which corresponds to AES or RSA EncryptionStrategy


DecryptionMethod = Future<Uint8List> Function(String serialized, DataEncryptionKey key)