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Cross platform package that unifies the work with Platform and wrapps dart:io Platform and dart:html to determine platform of the host machine.

Getting Started

  • Platform.isWeb - gets whether host platform is web based or not.

  • Platform.isAndroid - gets whether this app is running on Android or not.

  • Platform.isIOS - gets whether this app is running on iOS or not.

  • Platform.isMobile - gets whether this app is running on iOS/Android or not.

  • Platform.isMacOS - gets whether this app is running on MacOS or not.

  • Platform.isLinux - gets whether this app is running on Linux or not.

  • Platform.isWindows - gets whether this app is running on Windows or not.

  • Platform.isDesktop - gets whether this app is running on MacOS/Linux/Windows or not.

  • Platform.isFuchsia - gets whether this app is running on Fuchsia or not.

Feature requests and Bug reports

Feel free to post a feature requests or report a bug here.

