couver_ui library
- AlwaysDisabledFocusNode
- AnimationCard
- BtnSize
- CAppBar
- A Material Design app bar.
- CBackButton
- A material design back button.
- CButton
- CButtonStyle
- The visual properties that most buttons have in common.
- CButtonStyleButton
- The base StatefulWidget class for buttons whose style is defined by a CButtonStyle object.
- CCard
- CCircleBorder
- A border that fits a circle within the available space.
- CCircularProgressIndicator
- A Material Design circular progress indicator, which spins to indicate that the application is busy.
- CCloseButton
- A material design close button.
- CElevatedButton
- A Material Design "elevated button".
- CExpandable
- CExpandableImageHeader
- CFlipBoard
- CFlipNumbers
- CHero
- CIconButton
- CInk
- CInkCupertino
- CInkCupertinoOption
- CInkMaterial
- CInkMaterialOption
- CLinearProgressIndicator
- A Material Design linear progress indicator, also known as a progress bar.
- CListTile
- CListTileSkeletonOption
- COutlinedButton
- A Material Design "Outlined Button"; essentially a TextButton with an outlined border.
- COutlineInputBorder
- CouverTheme
- CouverThemeColors
- CouverThemeData
- CPageController
- CPageMetrics
- CPageScrollPhysics
- CPageView
- CProgressIndicator
- A base class for Material Design progress indicators.
- CProgressIndicatorGapShape
- CRadioIcon
- CRefreshProgressIndicator
- An indicator for the progress of refreshing the contents of a widget.
- CRibbon
- CRoundedRectangleBorder
- A rectangular border with rounded corners.
- CRRectContainer
- CRRectCorners
- CRRectRadius
- CSliverAppBar
- A Material Design app bar that integrates with a CustomScrollView.
- CTextButton
- A Material Design "Text Button".
- CTextFormField
- FlipCard
- FlipCardItem
- FlipCards
- FlipCardState
- GradientBoxBorder
- GradientText
- GradientUnderlineTabIndicator