CoolDatepicker constructor

  1. int limitCount = 1,
  2. String format = 'yyyy-mm-dd',
  3. double iconSize = 25,
  4. double calendarSize = 400,
  5. List<DateTime>? disabledList,
  6. List<Map<String, DateTime?>>? disabledRangeList,
  7. int? minYear,
  8. int? maxYear,
  9. required Function onSelected,
  10. bool isRange = false,
  11. dynamic resultIcon,
  12. dynamic placeholderTS,
  13. bool isResultIconLabelReverse = false,
  14. String placeholder = '',
  15. double resultWidth = 220,
  16. double resultHeight = 50,
  17. Alignment resultAlign = Alignment.centerLeft,
  18. EdgeInsets resultPadding = const EdgeInsets.only(left: 10, right: 10),
  19. dynamic resultBD,
  20. dynamic resultTS,
  21. double labelIconGap = 10,
  22. dynamic defaultValue,
  23. List<String>? weekLabelList,
  24. List<String>? monthLabelList,
  25. bool isYearMonthDropdownReverse = false,
  26. Color bottomSelectedBorderColor = const Color(0XFF6771e4),
  27. Color headerColor = const Color(0XFF6771e4),
  28. Color arrowIconAreaColor = const Color(0XFF4752e0),
  29. Color selectedCircleColor = const Color(0XFF6771e4),
  30. Color selectedBetweenAreaColor = const Color(0XFFe2e4fa),
  31. Color cancelFontColor = const Color(0XFF4a54c5),
  32. LinearGradient okButtonColor = const LinearGradient(colors: [Color(0XFF4a54c5), Color(0XFF6771e4)]),
  33. bool isDark = false,
  34. String cancelBtnLabel = 'CANCEL',
  35. String okBtnLabel = 'OK',
  36. bool isResultLabel = true,
  37. int? firstWeekDay = DateTime.sunday,


  this.limitCount = 1,
  this.format = 'yyyy-mm-dd',
  this.iconSize = 25,
  this.calendarSize = 400,
  required this.onSelected,
  this.isRange = false,
  this.isResultIconLabelReverse = false,
  this.placeholder = '',
  this.resultWidth = 220,
  this.resultHeight = 50,
  this.resultAlign = Alignment.centerLeft,
  this.resultPadding = const EdgeInsets.only(left: 10, right: 10),
  this.labelIconGap = 10,
  // this.isAnimation = true,
  // this.isResultIconLabel = true,
  this.isYearMonthDropdownReverse = false,
  this.bottomSelectedBorderColor = const Color(0XFF6771e4),
  this.headerColor = const Color(0XFF6771e4),
  this.arrowIconAreaColor = const Color(0XFF4752e0),
  this.selectedCircleColor = const Color(0XFF6771e4),
  this.selectedBetweenAreaColor = const Color(0XFFe2e4fa),
  this.cancelFontColor = const Color(0XFF4a54c5),
  this.okButtonColor = const LinearGradient(colors: [
    Color(0XFF6771e4), // headerColor
  this.isDark = false,
  this.cancelBtnLabel = 'CANCEL',
  this.okBtnLabel = 'OK',
  this.isResultLabel = true,
  this.firstWeekDay = DateTime.sunday,
}) {
  // disabledRangeList 체크
  if (disabledRangeList != null) {
    for (var rangeMap in disabledRangeList!) {
      assert((rangeMap['start'] != null) && (rangeMap['end'] != null),
          "both of start and end can't be null");
          'start DateTIme must be earlier than end DateTime');
          "start and end can't be the same. Try to use in 'disabledList' option");
  // year dropdownList 셋팅
  minYear = minYear ?? ( - 100);
  maxYear = maxYear ?? ( + 100);
  assert((maxYear! > minYear!), 'maxYear > minYear');
  for (var i = maxYear; i! >= minYear!; i--) {
    years.add({'label': '$i', 'value': i});

      (format.contains('yyyy') &&
          format.contains('mm') &&
      'you must include yyyy, dd, mm');

  (firstWeekDay! >=1) && (firstWeekDay! <= 7),
  'firstWeekDay must be > 0 and <= 7. The code number is: '
      ' monday = 1, tuesday = 2 wednesday = 3, thursday = 4, friday = 5, saturday = 6, sunday = 7'

  // weekLabelList setting
  weekLabelMapList = [
    {'label': weekLabelList?[0] ?? 'S', 'color': const Color(0XFFE70000)},
    {'label': weekLabelList?[1] ?? 'M', 'color': const Color(0XFF333333)},
    {'label': weekLabelList?[2] ?? 'T', 'color': const Color(0XFF333333)},
    {'label': weekLabelList?[3] ?? 'W', 'color': const Color(0XFF333333)},
    {'label': weekLabelList?[4] ?? 'T', 'color': const Color(0XFF333333)},
    {'label': weekLabelList?[5] ?? 'F', 'color': const Color(0XFF333333)},
    {'label': weekLabelList?[6] ?? 'S', 'color': const Color(0XFF22A2BF)}

  List sourceWeekLabels = List.from(weekLabelMapList);
  for(int i=0; i<sourceWeekLabels.length; i++){
    weekLabelMapList[i] = sourceWeekLabels[(i+firstWeekDay!)%7];

  monthLabelMapList = [
    {'label': monthLabelList?[0] ?? '01', 'value': 1},
    {'label': monthLabelList?[1] ?? '02', 'value': 2},
    {'label': monthLabelList?[2] ?? '03', 'value': 3},
    {'label': monthLabelList?[3] ?? '04', 'value': 4},
    {'label': monthLabelList?[4] ?? '05', 'value': 5},
    {'label': monthLabelList?[5] ?? '06', 'value': 6},
    {'label': monthLabelList?[6] ?? '07', 'value': 7},
    {'label': monthLabelList?[7] ?? '08', 'value': 8},
    {'label': monthLabelList?[8] ?? '09', 'value': 9},
    {'label': monthLabelList?[9] ?? '10', 'value': 10},
    {'label': monthLabelList?[10] ?? '11', 'value': 11},
    {'label': monthLabelList?[11] ?? '12', 'value': 12},

  // box decoration 셋팅
  this.resultBD = resultBD ??
        color: Colors.white,
        borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10),
        boxShadow: [
            color: Colors.grey.withOpacity(0.1),
            spreadRadius: 1,
            blurRadius: 10,
            offset: const Offset(0, 1), // changes position of shadow
  this.resultTS = resultTS ??
      const TextStyle(
        fontSize: 20,
  this.placeholderTS = placeholderTS ??
      TextStyle(color: Colors.grey.withOpacity(0.7), fontSize: 20);
  if (defaultValue != null) {
    if (isRange) {
      assert(defaultValue is Map<String, DateTime?>,
          'the range defaultValue must be type of Map<String, DateTime?>');
      assert(defaultValue['start'] != null,
          'the range defaultValue must include "start" key of Map');
      if (disabledList != null) {
        for (var j = 0; j < disabledList!.length; j++) {
          assert(!!isSameBtwDates(defaultValue!['start'], disabledList![j]),
              "the range defaultValue['start'] and the disabledList items can't be duplicated");
        for (var j = 0; j < disabledList!.length; j++) {
          assert(!isSameBtwDates(defaultValue!['end'], disabledList![j]),
              "the range defaultValue['end'] and the disabledList items can't be duplicated");
      if (disabledRangeList != null) {
        for (var j = 0; j < disabledRangeList!.length; j++) {
          DateTime startDate = disabledRangeList![j]['start']!;
          DateTime endDate = disabledRangeList![j]['end']!;
          DateTime targetStartDate = defaultValue['start'];
          DateTime targetEndDate = defaultValue['end'];

              !(startDate.checkAfter(target: targetStartDate) &&
                  endDate.checkBefore(target: targetStartDate)),
              "the defaultValue range start can't be ranged between disabledRangeList items");
              !(startDate.checkAfter(target: targetEndDate) &&
                  endDate.checkBefore(target: targetEndDate)),
              "the defaultValue range end can't be ranged between disabledRangeList items");
    } else {
      assert(defaultValue is List<DateTime>,
          'the single defaultValue must be type of List<DateTime>');
      assert(!(defaultValue!.length > limitCount),
          'the number of the single defaultValue items must be less than limitCount');
      for (var i = 0; i < defaultValue.length; i++) {
        if (disabledList != null) {
          for (var j = 0; j < disabledList!.length; j++) {
            assert(!isSameBtwDates(defaultValue![i], disabledList![j]),
                "the single defaultValue and the disabledList items can't be duplicated");
        if (disabledRangeList != null) {
          for (var j = 0; j < disabledRangeList!.length; j++) {
            DateTime startDate = disabledRangeList![j]['start']!;
            DateTime endDate = disabledRangeList![j]['end']!;
            DateTime targetDate = defaultValue[i];

                !(startDate.checkAfter(target: targetDate) &&
                    endDate.checkBefore(target: targetDate)),
                "the defaultValue can't be ranged between disabledRangeList items");
        for (var j = 0; j < defaultValue.length; j++) {
          if (i != j) {
            assert(!isSameBtwDates(defaultValue![i], defaultValue[j]),
                "the signle defaultValue items can't be duplicated");