ContentfulDeliveryDataModel<T> constructor

  1. @Default(0) int total,
  2. Sys? sys,
  3. int? skip,
  4. int? limit,
  5. @Default([]) List<T> items,
  6. Includes? includes,

ContentfulDeliveryDataModel is the base model for the contentful delivery API returned from the API. It contains the sys information, the total number of items, the skip and limit values. It also contains the items and includes that are returned from the API. The items are the entries that are returned from the API. The includes are the assets and linked entries that are returned from the API.


factory ContentfulDeliveryDataModel({
  @Default(0) int total,
  Sys? sys,
  int? skip,
  int? limit,
  @Default([]) List<T> items,
  Includes? includes,
}) = _ContentfulDeliveryDataModel<T>;