Content constructor
- required ContentfulContentNodeType nodeType,
- ContentfulContentNodeType? parentNodeType,
- Data? data,
- @JsonKey(name: 'content') List<
Content> ? subContent, - List<
ContentfulTextMark> ? marks, - String? value,
Content is usually non null when we have a node type of document or paragraph. It contains a list of paragraph contents. And if it is a document it contains a list of different node types.
const factory Content({
required ContentfulContentNodeType nodeType,
ContentfulContentNodeType? parentNodeType,
Data? data,
// ignore: invalid_annotation_target
@JsonKey(name: 'content') List<Content>? subContent,
List<ContentfulTextMark>? marks,
/// value will be not null if we have a text
String? value,
}) = _Content;