OklabColor.random constructor

  1. double minLightness = 0.0,
  2. double maxLightness = 1.0,
  3. double minA = 0.0,
  4. double maxA = 1.0,
  5. double minB = 0.0,
  6. double maxB = 1.0,
  7. int? seed,

Generates an OklabColor at random.

minLightness and maxLightness constrain the generated lightness value.

minA and maxA constrain the generated a value.

minB and maxB constrain the generated b value.

All min and max values must be min <= max && max >= min, must be in the range of >= 0.0 && <= 1.0, and must not be null.


factory OklabColor.random({
  double minLightness = 0.0,
  double maxLightness = 1.0,
  double minA = 0.0,
  double maxA = 1.0,
  double minB = 0.0,
  double maxB = 1.0,
  int? seed,
}) {
  return OklabColor(
    ColorMath.random(minLightness, maxLightness, seed),
    ColorMath.random(minA, maxA, seed),
    ColorMath.random(minB, maxB, seed),