literal function

Expression literal(
  1. Object? literal, {
  2. Expression onError(
    1. Object

Converts a runtime Dart literal value into an Expression.

Supported Dart types are translated into literal expressions. If the literal is already an Expression it is returned without change to allow operating on a collection of mixed simple literals and more complex expressions. Unsupported inputs invoke the onError callback.


Expression literal(Object? literal, {Expression Function(Object)? onError}) {
  if (literal is Expression) return literal;
  if (literal is bool) return literalBool(literal);
  if (literal is num) return literalNum(literal);
  if (literal is String) return literalString(literal);
  if (literal is List) return literalList(literal);
  if (literal is Set) return literalSet(literal);
  if (literal is Map) return literalMap(literal);
  if (literal == null) return literalNull;
  if (onError != null) return onError(literal);
  throw UnsupportedError('Not a supported literal type: $literal.');