CLI :computer:

GitHub CI

Making the writing of command-line apps in Dart intuitive. :computer:

About :books:

Some time ago, I wanted to make a command-line tool in Dart. This is when I noticed that I didn't have a clue about how to make a responsive and "classic" command-line app. CLI covers this need. It allows you to make command-line apps in the way you are used to from GNU programs. Flags like --help or --version are provided out of the box.

Installation :inbox_tray:

Adding to your project

To add CLI to your project's dependencies, add this line to your project's pubspec.yaml:

From GitHub

    git: git://


  clibu: ^1.5.0

The three dots represent anything else that you might have in the dependencies section. Having done that, re-fetch your project's dependencies by running this in the project's root directory:

$ dart pub get

Usage :hammer:


Import the API like this:

import 'package:clibu/clibu.dart';

Example :calling:

This is what a minimal example using CLI Black Unicorn would look like.

CLI Black Unicorn by Alexander Abraham a.k.a. The Black Unicorn
licensed under the MIT license

import 'package:clibu/clibu.dart';

// Inherits from the original class,
// "CommandLineApp".
class TestApp extends CommandLineApp {
  String appName = 'Test';
  String appVersion = '1.0';
  String appAuthor = 'The Black Unicorn';
  String appLicense = 'MIT license';
  Map<String, dynamic> argumentsDataBase = {};

// Function to execute when the option
// is called.
void greet(String name) {
  String greeting = 'Hello, $name!';

// Main entry point for the Dart VM.
void main(List<String> arguments) {
  TestApp myApp = TestApp();
  myApp.addArgument('--greet', 'greets the user with a specified name', true);
  if (myApp.argumentWasUsed(arguments, '--greet') == true) {
    greet(myApp.getArgumentData(arguments, '--greet'));
  myApp.runApp(arguments); // finally running the app

Note :scroll:

  • CLI :computer: by Alexander Abraham :black_heart: a.k.a. "The Black Unicorn" :unicorn:
  • Licensed under the MIT license.

