githubReleaseNotes top-level property

ConfigVariable<String?> githubReleaseNotes

The Markdown-formatted release notes to use for the GitHub release.

By default, this looks for a file at the root of the repository and uses the portion between the first and second level-2 ## headers. It throws a FormatException if the CHANGELOG doesn't begin with ## followed by version.

If this is set to null, or by default if no exists, no release notes will be added to the GitHub release.


final githubReleaseNotes = InternalConfigVariable.fn<String?>(() {
  if (!File("").existsSync()) return null;

  return lastChangelogSection(File("").readAsStringSync(), version,
          sourceUrl: "") +
          "See the [full changelog]($githubRepo/blob/"
          "master/${version.toString().replaceAll(".", "")}) "
          "for changes in earlier releases.";