createNotificationChannelWithGroupIdAndSound static method

Future<void> createNotificationChannelWithGroupIdAndSound(
  1. String channelId,
  2. String channelName,
  3. String channelDescription,
  4. int importance,
  5. String groupId,
  6. bool showBadge,
  7. String sound,

Method to create Notification Channel with Group and Sound


static Future<void> createNotificationChannelWithGroupIdAndSound(
    String channelId,
    String channelName,
    String channelDescription,
    int importance,
    String groupId,
    bool showBadge,
    String sound) async {
  return await _dartToNativeMethodChannel
      .invokeMethod('createNotificationChannelWithGroupId', {
    'channelId': channelId,
    'channelName': channelName,
    'channelDescription': channelDescription,
    'importance': importance,
    'groupId': groupId,
    'showBadge': showBadge,
    'sound': sound