Civil ID Detector
This library for flutter provides easy means to scan a kuwait civil id card. It uses OCR to acheive the same , OCR relies on goole ml kit
Step 1 : Add Firebase to Flutter
Go through the firebase offical website to add firebase to your project.
Add the Google Service plist and json file in IOS and android project respectively.
Step 2 : Adding bits for android and IOS
For IOS add this in info.plist file
<string>your usage description here</string>
For android : Add the following in the manifest file
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA"/>
Add the following in the application tag of manifest file
android:value="ica,ocr" />
Step 4 : Code integration
CameraController? _camController;
CivilIdDetector.detect(_camController!, (IDTYPE idType, CivilIdMrzModel? mrzModel) => {
handleResponse(idType, mrzModel)
IDTYPE | String enum |
Possible Values | CIVIL_ID_FRONT , CIVIL_ID_BACK |
CivilIdMrzModel : Class Object
Attributes | Description |
ID Type | Type of document , it returns ID for kuwait civil id |
Country | County of origin of the document scanned |
Gender | Gender of the document holder |
Nationality | Nationality of the document holder |
Name | Name of the document holder |