bufferChunkedStream<T> function

Stream<List<T>> bufferChunkedStream<T>(
  1. Stream<List<T>> input, {
  2. int bufferSize = 16 * 1024,

Buffer an chunked stream.

This reads input into an internal buffer of size bufferSize elements. When the internal buffer is full the input stream is paused, as elements are consumed from the stream returned the input stream in resumed.

If reading from a chunked stream as it arrives from disk or network it can be useful to buffer the stream internally to avoid blocking disk or network reads while waiting for CPU to process the bytes read.


Stream<List<T>> bufferChunkedStream<T>(
  Stream<List<T>> input, {
  int bufferSize = 16 * 1024,
}) async* {
  if (bufferSize <= 0) {
    throw ArgumentError.value(
        bufferSize, 'bufferSize', 'bufferSize must be positive');

  late final StreamController<List<T>> c;
  StreamSubscription? sub;

  c = StreamController(
    onListen: () {
      sub = input.listen((chunk) {
        bufferSize -= chunk.length;

        final currentSub = sub;
        if (bufferSize <= 0 && currentSub != null && !currentSub.isPaused) {
      }, onDone: () {
      }, onError: (e, st) {
        c.addError(e, st);
    onCancel: () => sub!.cancel(),

  await for (final chunk in c.stream) {
    yield chunk;
    bufferSize += chunk.length;

    final currentSub = sub;
    if (bufferSize > 0 && currentSub != null && currentSub.isPaused) {