ConeGeometryWireframeFrienly function

GeometryBuilder ConeGeometryWireframeFrienly(
  1. double rad,
  2. double height,
  3. int radialSubdivisions

Like ConeGeometry but with duplicate Vertices to make it possible to add aCenter attributes with GenerateWireframeCenters()


GeometryBuilder ConeGeometryWireframeFrienly(
    double rad, double height, int radialSubdivisions) {
  // Compute points on edges
  final double halfHeight = height / 2;
  VM.Vector3 top = VM.Vector3(0.0, halfHeight, 0.0);

  List<VM.Vector3> bot = [];
  for (int i = 0; i < radialSubdivisions; i++) {
    double u = i / radialSubdivisions * Math.pi * 2.0;
    double x = Math.sin(u);
    double z = Math.cos(u);
    bot.add(VM.Vector3(rad * x, -halfHeight, rad * z));
  // repeat three first point so we can safely index with +1
  assert(bot.length == radialSubdivisions + 1);

  final VM.Vector2 zero = VM.Vector2(0.0, 0.0);
  final VM.Vector3 centerBot = VM.Vector3(0.0, -halfHeight, 0.0);

  GeometryBuilder gb = GeometryBuilder();

  // Q: Why do we have to repeat the vertices?
  // A: Without it example wireframe does not work
  // top and bottom are Face3
  for (int i = 0; i < radialSubdivisions; i++) {
    gb.AddVertices([centerBot, bot[i + 1], bot[i]]);
    // TODO: fix these:
    gb.AddAttributesVector2(aTexUV, [zero, zero, zero]);

  for (int i = 0; i < radialSubdivisions; i++) {
    gb.AddVertices([top, bot[i], bot[i + 1]]);
    // TODO: fix these:
    gb.AddAttributesVector2(aTexUV, [zero, zero, zero]);
  return gb;