app property

CarpApp app

The configuration of the CARP server app.


CarpApp get app {
  if (_app == null) {
    try {
      if (studyId == null) throw Exception("A study ID must be provided");
      if (studyId!.isEmpty) {
        throw Exception("The study ID cannot be empty - '$studyId'");
    } catch (e) {
      throw Exception("A valid study ID is not provided");
    _app = CarpApp(
      name: "CAWS @ DTU",
      uri: uri.replace(pathSegments: ['dev']),
      authURL: uri,
      clientId: clientId,
      clientSecret: clientSecret,
      redirectURI: Uri.parse('carp-studies-auth://auth'),
      discoveryURL: uri.replace(pathSegments: [
      studyId: studyId,
  return _app!;