cancellableFutureOr<T> function

Future<T> cancellableFutureOr<T>(
  1. FutureOr<T> computation(),
  2. CancellationToken? cancellationToken, {
  3. OnCancelCallback? onCancel,

Converts a FutureOr to a cancellable Future.

This function exists to make the cancellation_token package easier to use, and calls CancellableFuture.from internally.

If cancellationToken is already cancelled when this function is called, the computation won't run.

Why isn't there a .asCancellable() extension for FutureOr?

When a cancellable is invoked using a CancellationToken that's already been cancelled, it's expected to throw the cancellation exception.

When working with a FutureOr value, this behaviour is possible using an .asCancellable() extension as synchronous values cannot throw an exception. However, when working with a FutureOr callback, the callback must be invoked before the cancellation is applied, leading to unexpected behaviour that can't be caught at build time.

// This would throw the callback's CallbackException before cancellation
// is applied:
final CancellationToken token = CancellationToken()..cancel();
FutureOr<String> testCallback() => throw CallbackException();
return await testCallback().asCancellable(token);

To reduce the risk of difficult to diagnose errors, this function covers both scenarios with the expected behaviour.


Future<T> cancellableFutureOr<T>(
  FutureOr<T> Function() computation,
  CancellationToken? cancellationToken, {
  OnCancelCallback? onCancel,
}) {
  return CancellableFuture.from(
    onCancel: onCancel,