calendar_date_picker3 library


Custom configuration for CalendarDatePicker2
Display CalendarDatePicker with action buttons
Custom configuration for CalendarDatePicker2 with action buttons
A scrollable grid of years to allow picking a year.


Custom enum for a date picker mode including day, month, and year.
Custom enum for a date picker type including single, multi, and range.


getDayRowsCount(int year, int month, int firstDayOfWeekIndex) int
Get the number of rows required to display all days in a month.
getLocaleFullMonthFormat(Locale locale) → DateFormat
Get full month format for the given locale.
getLocaleShortMonthFormat(Locale locale) → DateFormat
Get short month format for the given locale.
getMonthFirstDayOffset(int year, int month, int firstDayOfWeekIndex) int
Get the number of days offset for the first day in a month.
showCalendarDatePicker2Dialog({required BuildContext context, required dynamic config, required Size dialogSize, List<DateTime?> value = const [], BorderRadius? borderRadius, bool useRootNavigator = true, bool barrierDismissible = true, Color? barrierColor = Colors.black54, bool useSafeArea = true, Color? dialogBackgroundColor, RouteSettings? routeSettings, String? barrierLabel, TransitionBuilder? builder}) Future<List<DateTime?>?>
Display CalendarDatePicker with action buttons


DayBuilder = Widget? Function({required DateTime date, BoxDecoration? decoration, bool? isDisabled, bool? isSelected, bool? isToday, TextStyle? textStyle})
Custom builder for the day widget
DayTextStylePredicate = TextStyle? Function({required DateTime date})
Predicate to determine the text style for a day.
ModePickerBuilder = Widget? Function({bool? isMonthPicker, required DateTime monthDate})
Builder for the mode picker widget
ModePickerTextHandler = String? Function({bool? isMonthPicker, required DateTime monthDate})
Handler for the text displayed in the mode picker
MonthBuilder = Widget? Function({BoxDecoration? decoration, bool? isCurrentMonth, bool? isDisabled, bool? isSelected, required int month, TextStyle? textStyle})
Custom builder for the month widget
ScrollViewMonthYearBuilder = Widget Function(DateTime monthDate)
Builder for the month and year in the scroll calendar view.
ScrollViewOnScrolling = void Function(double offset)
Callback for the scroll calendar view on scrolling
SelectableDayPredicate = bool Function(DateTime day)
Predicate to determine whether a day should be selectable.
SelectableMonthPredicate = bool Function(int year, int month)
Predicate to determine whether a month should be selectable.
SelectableYearPredicate = bool Function(int year)
Predicate to determine whether a year should be selectable.
SelectedRangeDecorationPredicate = BoxDecoration? Function({DateTime dayToBuild, Decoration decoration, bool isEndDate, bool isStartDate})
Predicate to determine the day widget box decoration for a day in selected range
SelectedRangeHighlightBuilder = Widget Function({DateTime dayToBuild, bool isEndDate, bool isStartDate})
Function to provide full control over range picker highlight
WeekdayLabelBuilder = Widget? Function({bool? isScrollViewTopHeader, required int weekday})
Custom builder for the weekday label widget
YearBuilder = Widget? Function({BoxDecoration? decoration, bool? isCurrentYear, bool? isDisabled, bool? isSelected, TextStyle? textStyle, required int year})
Custom builder for the year widget